
How To Register Upc To List Amazon Without

Listing Products on Amazon Without a GTIN or UPC

March 5, 2022

Key Points

  • GTIN (Global Trade Identification Number) is a globally unique number used to place products, services, or trade items. Every product should have a GTIN number unless an exemption is applied for. UPC is a GTIN. A GTIN tin can brand it much easier for customers to observe your product and increase your search engine visibility and traffic from interested shoppers.
  • At that place are some scenarios when you tin utilise for a GTIN exemption, such as when you wish to sell products that do non have a GTIN (such as mobile accessories) or when you lot want to sell a generic product lacking a brand proper noun. A tertiary example is when you want to sell a 'bundled pack' of more than than one item.
  • To list a production on Amazon with no GTIN, follow our pace-by-step guide to get your products up and running in no time.

What is a GTIN?

GTIN stands for Global Trade Identification Number and is a globally unique 14-digit number used to identify products, services, or trade items. It is also known equally a Product ID. GTIN is a product identifier in the global international products database GS1 (or Global Standards 1), a non-turn a profit organisation that develops and maintains worldwide standards for business organization communication. GTIN numbers are enforced internationally in accordance with Industry Standard. The GTIN is more often than not found below the barcode on a production'due south packaging. Like the ASIN or Amazon Standard Identification Number, the GTIN is an important consideration when selling online.

Every product on Amazon should be given a GTIN number unless a GTIN exemption has been applied for. For nigh categories on Amazon, sellers need to provide a GTIN to create new listings. The individual GTIN needed for production page creation and matching differs past category.

Why Exercise You Demand a GTIN?

Every product sold worldwide should have unique production identifiers (UPIs), which distinguish your product from others and helps to observe or trace information technology. UPIs are given to every product by the manufacturer. Carry in heed that if you are reselling a product, the UPIs volition remain the same. GTINs are examples of commonly applied UPIs. If your detail has a GTIN barcode, it makes your product much easier to locate for the customers and increases the value of your listings and adverts. Simply, at that place are some products without UPIs.

How Do Yous Get a GTIN Number?

If your product does not take a GTIN number but you would like to get one, at that place are numerous options available, albeit none of them are quick to complete.

  • Option One: Y'all can make a GTIN check to meet if your product has an approved GS1 barcode. If this is the case, you can and so employ information technology to list your items for sale.
  • Selection Two: You lot can request an dominance letter from the barcode owner (who will be named on the GS1 website). The letter should say that your production can use the GTIN, but this does not e'er work out.
  • Choice Three: You can purchase UPCs (Universal Production Code) straight from GS1, only this is not cheap, and because in that location is a licence renewal fee on an annual basis, it is not a one-off payment.
  • Choice Four: Apply for a GTIN exemption. Practice annotation that some existing brands are required to have a GTIN. We volition look more into how to apply for a GTIN exemption shortly.

What Are the Types of GTINs?

Y'all might be familiar with many other codes, such as ISBNs or UPCs. These are types of GTINs. Allow's look at a few of them:

  • EAN or European Article Number: This is also labelled equally GTIN-thirteen and is a unique xiii-digit number (although it can also sometimes be 14 or viii digits) and production identifier, which is mainly used in the European market place. It is a barcode with a GTIN-13 number underneath.
  • UPC or Universal Product Lawmaking: This is also labelled every bit GTIN-12 and is a unique 12-digit number and product identifier, which is mainly used in Canada and the United States. It is the most mutual barcode type globally and is constitute on about concrete products in retail shops. It is a barcode with a GTIN-12 number underneath.
  • January or Japanese Article Number: This is a diversity of product identifiers that is explicitly used for products on the Japanese market. It consists of eight or 13 digits.
  • ISBN or International Standard Book Number: This is a product identifier used for books specifically. The ISBN will accept either 10 or xiii digits, depending on the publishing date.
  • GTIN-14: This is for shipping container codes.

What is the difference betwixt GTIN and UPC? They do not differ and are 1 and the same. In a nutshell, UPCs belong to GTINs.

Do You Demand a GTIN to Sell on Amazon?

Most of Amazon'south categories require sellers to utilise a product identifier to make new product listings and pages. The GTIN required varies by category, but EANs or UPCs are the most normally used. You can see the requirements of each category (including exceptions and exemptions) on this Amazon page.

However, UPCs and other product identifiers are non required for every production sold. It ultimately comes down to the brand you wish to sell or the category you would like to sell in. There are some scenarios where you may qualify for a 'GTIN exemption', such as selling a individual-label or handmade product, which means you lot do not need a UPC or EAN to list the production on Amazon. If not, Amazon now requires every listed production without an Amazon GTIN exemption to have a GS1 registered barcode (GS1 is the simply legitimate place to buy a code to use on Amazon). If y'all do not have a product identifier associated with your make or product, it is required by Amazon itself to have an Amazon barcode or FNSKU (Fulfilment Network Stock Keeping Unit) attached to your production'due south packaging when using Amazon FBA. FNSKU is an Amazon-specific code that tracks inventory.

When Can Yous Utilize For a GTIN Exemption on Amazon?

In this section, nosotros list various situations when yous can apply for a GTIN exemption:

  • You wish to sell a generic item that lacks a brand name.
  • You desire to sell production parts that fail to have a GTIN, such every bit mobile accessories.
  • You wish to sell products for which you are the make, publisher, or manufacturer, and you exercise not accept barcodes on your items (such every bit handmade products).
  • You wish to sell products for which the brand, publisher, or manufacturer does not provide a GTIN.
  • You wish to sell a 'bundled pack' of more one detail, such every bit a notebook and pens.

Amazon has helpfully provided a list of brands that crave a GTIN to listing their products on the marketplace. Bear in heed that these brands have already supplied GS1 approved barcodes for their items, so exemptions are not possible for products under these brands. If you proceed and listing products from these brands without a GTIN, Amazon will suppress your listing.

Why Do You Demand a GTIN Exemption to Sell on Amazon?

Non all sellers on Amazon utilize GTIN for their products, depending on what they are selling and in which categories. Consequently, there may be times when a seller requires an exemption. Information technology is important to note that a GTIN can help make it much easier for customers to notice your product. When using search engines, many consumers type in a product's UPC, ISBN, or EAN. These people are seeking out a specific product and then having a GTIN tin increase your search engine visibility and traffic from interested shoppers. Consequently, a GTIN tin improve your conversion rates.

How to Utilize for a GTIN Exemption on Amazon

While you might imagine that applying for a GTIN exemption is a long and backbreaking process, it doesn't have to be. Information technology is a reasonably simple process and can be practical for within Seller Central. Just, there are a few guidelines to be enlightened of as to what your product name and images should attach to.

  • Before y'all start applying, ensure y'all have your product name and a diverseness of product images to hand (betwixt two and nine images that show all sides of the product likewise every bit its packaging).
  • The brand name you enter on the awarding must be an exact match to the ane on the production and packaging itself.
  • The product's branding should be permanently attached to the product or packaging.
  • There should not be a GS1 canonical barcode anywhere on the product or packaging.
  • The product images should be bodily pictures of the product or packaging (a good idea is to identify them on a table when taking a photo).

Now you accept taken all this data on board, it is fourth dimension to showtime the awarding process for GTIN exemption. Here we have presented a step-by-stride approach to clearly explain how to complete the awarding:

  • Step ONE: Become to the Apply for a GTIN Exemption page and click the Select button. Then select the applicative Product Category from the pop-upward list.
  • STEP Two: Enter the make or publisher name in the Brand/Publisher field. If an item or parcel is unbranded, type Generic (this is case sensitive). Please note that you can apply for up to x exemptions past clicking + Add together More Brands/Publishers to add brands or publishers under the same category. Click + Add New Categories to add new ones.
  • Stride Iii: Click the button that says Check for Eligibility. Then an Eligibility Summary will appear. If you are eligible for an exemption, a checkmark volition announced in the Status column. If your product is not eligible, you will not be able to continue this procedure.
  • Step FOUR: If your production is eligible for exemption, proceed by clicking the Proceed to Submit Proof button.
  • STEP FIVE: On the Provide Proof page, you need to upload your images. Ensure y'all provide the Product Name and upload images that display all sides of the same detail. Repeat this pace for all products in your asking for exemption. On this page, Amazon will enquire if you lot have a supporting letter from the brand possessor, publisher, or manufacturer. If your product is either handmade or private label, cull No.
  • Stride Half dozen: Click Submit Request.

Please note: You will receive an email within 48 hours almost the approving status of your request. You can bank check the status of your asking in your Case Log as well.

How to Listing Products Subsequently Receiving a GTIN Exemption

Before we explain the two dissimilar ways that you tin can add your products in Seller Cardinal, here are a few considerations to call up:

  • Once you accept a GTIN exemption, please wait 30 minutes before calculation your production. Amazon's systems volition see the exemption and let y'all continue without a product ID.
  • Sometimes, Category level approvals are needed and GTIN exemption approvals to kickoff listing. If you cannot list products using the canonical GTIN exemption, please check if you are already approved for listing in that specific category. If not, become to Overview of Categories for category-level approvals.
  • For the exemption to work, enter the Category and Brand/Publisher precisely as they appear in the exemption approval find; otherwise, the arrangement volition non recognise your exemption.
  • Once yous have approval, y'all can leave the Product ID Type and Production ID columns blank.
  • If yous have taken GTIN exemption nether an incorrect brand proper name or category, y'all tin reapply for exemption.
  • GTIN exemption is only awarded to listing products without a product ID. And then, y'all may demand to get extra Brand approval to list your products.
  • Each fourth dimension you wish to list under a different category or brand, you must apply for the GTIN exemption.
  • You lot can apply for GTIN exemption for a maximum of x unlike brand names/category combinations in one class.

Now we explain the two different ways to add your products in Seller Key.

1. Add a Product (One by One)

This applies to private and professional sellers. Please refer to Amazon's Add 1 Product At a Time Guide for more detailed instructions. At that place is no need to enter anything in the Product ID Type and Product ID fields within the Vital Info section with your GTIN exemption.

  1. Go to Inventory, click Add together a Product, click I Am Adding a Production Not Sold On Amazon, and enter the product details. Please select the verbal product type where the GTIN exemption has been approved.
  2. Add together the brand name that you have the exemption for. Once this is done, the production ID will no longer be highlighted in ruddy, meaning it is optional.
  3. Fill in all product information. All fields in red are mandatory. If you need, select the Avant-garde View pick at the top right to add any other details. In one case this is washed and filled in, the Salvage and Finish push at the bottom of the page will change from grey to teal.

ii. Add Products via Upload (Bulk)

This applies to professional sellers just. Delight refer to Upload Your Inventory File page on Amazon Seller Key for more than detailed instructions. Again, you can leave the Product ID Blazon and Product ID columns blank with the GTIN exemption.

  1. Become to Inventory, click Add together Products Via Upload, and click Download an Inventory File tab.
  2. Get to the Search Tool section and enter the product blazon you lot wish to list. If the category you chose does not demand approval, the Select button will exist available to click. But, if the product requires category approval, click Request Blessing.
  3. If the search tool does not return your desired category, try utilising the Product Classifier categories beneath the search toolbar. Exist aware that currently, merely style jewellery does not require whatsoever UPC exemption.
  4. Once you have selected all relevant information, click on the sort of template you wish to generate and click Generate Template.
  5. Alternatively, if you wish to fill in a category-specific flat file, download the necessary category file via this link.

A Notation on FNSKU

Think, if you do not have a GTIN associated with your brand or product, Amazon requires you to have an Amazon barcode (FNSKU) attached to your product packaging. Be enlightened that this only applies when using Amazon FBA. An FNSKU is an Amazon-specific code that tracks inventory.
Only how do you find your private FNSKU barcode? When continuing to the shipping plan, you lot are given a choice to accept Amazon label products for yous (for a price, of form), or you lot tin can choose to print and characterization each unit. In the Characterization Product department, you tin print the number of needed labels. You lot tin also give that exact barcode to your packaging designer when you lot download the label PDF so that they tin add the barcode to your packaging.

What If You're Not Eligible for Amazon GTIN Exemption?

If the brand or product category is not eligible for an exemption, you will accept to buy a UPC or EAN. Amazon requires that all of these are purchased from GS1. Please note that even if you get an Amazon GTIN exemption, information technology is prudent to buy a GS1 barcode in the long-term every bit it tin can help to build a sustainable business (such as past selling products on other online marketplaces or retail stores).

Final Thoughts

Applying for a GTIN exemption is not as complicated as y'all might imagine. Follow our step-by-stride process, and you should exist well on your manner to getting your products listed on the marketplace. At NUOPTIMA, we know that growing an Amazon FBA business organization can be difficult and stressful. That is why we offer gratis consultations near growing your business and help y'all to steer your business in the management you want it to go. Volume a free discovery call with our experts today and meliorate your Amazon brand.


What is a GTIN?

GTIN (Global Trade Identification Number) is a globally unique number used to place products, services, or trade items. Every product should have a GTIN number unless an exemption is applied for.

What is a UPC?

A UPC (Universal Product Code) is also labelled as GTIN-12 and is a unique number and product identifier which is mainly used in Canada and the United States. It is the most common barcode type globally and is plant on the majority of physical products in retail shops. In a nutshell, UPCs vest to GTINs.

How do I apply for a GTIN exemption?

Yous need to follow the procedure on Amazon's Apply for a GTIN Exemption folio. If y'all would like detailed instructions, delight refer to our 'How to Employ for a GTIN Exemption' section.

How practise I listing products on Amazon after gaining GTIN exemption?

There are two dissimilar ways y'all can listing products on Amazon after getting a GTIN exemption. You can either add products one by one or add products in bulk. Please refer to our 'How to List Products Afterwards Receiving a GTIN Exemption' section for a breakdown of both.

How To Register Upc To List Amazon Without,


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